Pine Island Sound, FL
March 12th, 2023
Spring is in full swing, and we are seeing the payoff of these warmer days and clear clean water. Bait has shown back up in the bay and we are transitioning from shrimp to white bait (greenbacks, threadfin and pinfish). Back to throwing a net in the mornings to get our bait for the day and boy has the bait been good. We get plenty to chum with, and more than enough to catch these hungry fish. Mostly fishing inshore waters around mangrove islands, seagrass beds and oyster bars. The redfish, trout and snook have been what we are targeting, coming in contact with a few other species to note including Spanish mackerel, ladyfish and others. Red tide is of no concern in the bay, we are one of the few areas not being affected at the moment and hope to stay that way. I’ve had many customers reach out with concerns about red tide and I’m pleased to say I have not seen any sign of it in weeks, the water is crystal clear, and the fish are plentiful.