
Pass Fishing Silver Kings

Boca Grande, FL

May 16th, 2023

We are putting Tarpon boat side out in Boca Grande Pass or as we refer to it Tarpon Heaven. Landing a tarpon is one of the more tricky challenges in all of fishing, the way these fish thrash and jump makes it nearly impossible to keep a hook in their bony mouths. We have been getting hookups using a medium pass crab on a 7/0 circle hook and sometimes added weight when the current is extra strong. Fishing our baits 40 feet below the surface is the magic number in the pass, typically that is the depth the fish are hanging in the school. It is imperative to get ahead of the school and drop lines as we make the drift over them. When the line goes tight the fight is on, the jumps, the long runs the fish makes to stay with the school, and the maze of boats your fish will go through before landing will give you the most intense fight of your life. It’s important to never get discouraged when you lose a fish, people come from all across the globe to fight these fish, if it was easy it wouldn’t be as highly sought after. Aside from Tarpon we are still catching plenty of snook, trout, and redfish inshore and anticipating the mass of mangrove snapper to make their way into our inshore waters and mangrove islands, and boy are they great eaters. Our water is warming up bringing new challenges to the day but overall still great fishing happening in our slice of heaven.

1 Snook

1 Redfish

1 Tarpon

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