Boca Grande, FL
February 5th 2024
Sheepshead, sheepshead and more sheepshead. That’s what this time of year is all about. We are all in on these fish and finding a few bigger fish around docks and rocks in and around Pine Island. Using pieces of shrimp on a light jig head or circle hook with a weight is the method we’ve been using to catch these fish. Along with the sheepshead we are catching many redfish, black drum and mangrove snapper and starting to see some of the big snook moving back in the area, getting the snook to eat is a different story. They stay a little finicky while the water is still cold but come spring time they will be feeding great and moving a little less sluggishly. Weather has been hit or miss, the winter winds and rain have kept us off the water a few days lately but we are gearing up for the great spring fishing heading our way.
1 Snook

1 Sea Trout

2 Redfish

1 Black Drum

1 Sheepshead

1 Grey Snapper