Pine Island Sound, FL
September 1st, 2023
It’s one of the best times of the year on the water, and it’s starting off great. Starting to find large schools of big bulky redfish and cooler water temps making the fishing even better than it’s been. Baitfish are starting to get bigger and more plentiful, pinfish are the go-to for these big reds. Not only that the huge greenbacks we love to find are showing up in large numbers. We like to use them for the juvenile tarpon and big snook. Starting to fish the little tarpon and boy are they fun. The fight from these fish is second to none with the unbelievable acrobatics they perform when hooked up. The fall fishing is some of the best, with plenty of trout on the flats, we are catching many smaller trout but more than enough slotfish mixed in. This fall fishing is so fun, every species imaginable to target once these water temps cool down and bait gets better.
1 Redfish

1 Tarpon

1 Sea Trout

1 Goliath Grouper

1 Snook